Middle School

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The middle school years are a time of important transitions as well as one in which the acquisition of new skills is introduced. Other than the first three years of life, this is the grade span where youngsters are most transformed- they enter middle school as children and exit as teenagers! Although our 6th graders will still regard the teacher as their leader and source of knowledge, they will experience new responsibilities as they become accustomed to the idea of leaving elementary school and more adept at switching classes. Our 7th graders experience more social and academic growth at a time when they have entered what typically may be the most disorienting phase of their life; and our 8th graders are generally in the process of coming to terms with their emerging adulthood as they prepare for high school and the idea of having more independence and autonomy in their decision-making processes. With this in mind, an important goal of our middle school program is to provide engaging learning opportunities, rich with possibilities for academic and social growth, personal challenge, and creative expression. Our teachers are committed to helping students develop meaningful interpersonal relationships that reflect a respectful, caring community and their own growing maturity. 

As GIA continues to expand and transform, we are committed to providing a learning environment that will nurture the invariable development and change our middle schoolers are certain to experience during this critical time in their lives. We teach our students that intellect, ability, achievement, and motivation are not only interconnected, but fluid—that is, we can grow our brains and abilities by using deliberate and beneficial strategies and thought processes. A healthy growth mindset is a recurring theme in our middle school, and we consider it an honor to assist your child in cultivating this practice in and out of the classroom.

GIA’s middle school team facilitates these objectives by also serving as homeroom teachers and mentors who will communicate important information to middle school families. We also believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary to help your child(ren) reach their fullest potential and optimize their learning success. Our middle school faculty will work closely with each student and their family to ensure that we meet our goals, as well as to ensure that your child feels secure, confident, and loved while in our classes throughout the day. Although we communicate via email, phone calls, progress reports, and parent-teacher conferences throughout the year, the Parent PlusPortal is the best way to stay updated on current classroom information. 

Please feel free to contact your child(ren)’s homeroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding their progress.


Middle School Teachers